Are you and your little ones get bored with the same poached, scrambled egg or omelette? Try this tater tot omelette to change a little bit of the usual mid-morning routine.

Yields: 12 muffins
Prep Time: 10 mins Cook Time: 20 mins Total: 30 mins
What is Tater Tot Omelette Bites?
If you’re looking for new breakfast and brunch ideas for your family making happy even the fussier youngest ones then these Mini omelets are the perfect easy-to-eat finger food! These are also perfect for feeding a crowd at parties and also freeze very well for quick mornings or school lunches.
These egg muffins are unique in that they have an easy-to-make potato crust thanks to frozen tater tots. You simply smash the tots into a muffin pan and bake for about 10 minutes to get them crispy, and then top with your favorite omelet ingredients and pour scrambled eggs over top. Finish them off with some shredded cheese, bake, and you’re done!

Why should you try Tater Tots Omelette Muffins?
These mini omelets are so fun and simple to make that even your kids can help you cook. I assure you that they will love it.
First, let’s start by helping the little ones choose and cut the ingredients. Some kids might prefer it if you cut the fruits into smaller pieces. It’s important to let them mix and assemble the muffins themselves making them choose as many veggies as possible to make them healthier. My daughter is never bored of mixing the eggs. It’s her morning job and she’s so proud of it 🙂 Surely, this will help them be more eager to try these tasteful tater tots omelet bites especially since they choose their ingredients!

- Avocado
- Bananas
- Eggs
- Apples,
- Tater Tots (or toasted bread)
- Other healthy ingredients of your child’s choice
- Olive oil
How to make Tater Tot Omelette Bites at Home?
It looks like lots of steps but it’s really simple:
- Microwave + bake tater tots (or toast bread) and use as a base in muffin pan
- Cut fruit and veggies and add in muffing pan
- Add the egg mixture (optionally top with milk)
- Add cheese on top
- Bake the tater tot eggs for 15-20 minutes
- Bon appetite!

More easy egg breakfast dishes!

Tater Tot Omelette Bites
- 10 eggs large
- 36 tater tots (or toasted bread)
- 1 tsp olive oil
- 2 cups bananas apples, tomatoes, peppers ((choice of your favorite fruit and veggies))
- 1 avocado optional
- 1¼ cup feta cheese rumbled ((or your favorite shredded cheese))
- Switch on the oven at 180 degrees
- Wipe the baking sheet with oil or butter
- Place the tater tots in the microwave for a few minutes or until they are soft enough to smash, then place 3 in each muffin cup.
- Smash them with the bottom of a small cup, and then place them in the oven for 10 minutes. Remove the muffin pan from the oven.
- Alternatively you can replace the tater tots with toasted bread cut into pieces. Place into the muffin pan as a base.
- Cut the fruits and veggies (avocado, bananas, apples) depending on your kid's choice
- Evenly distribute your fruit and veggies into each cup.
- Scramble the egg and then pour the mixture evenly into each cup until they are 90% full.
- Sprinkle the top with shredded cheese and bake the tater tot eggs for 20 minutes, or until the egg is cooked through.